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EMDR Therapy - Part 2

The first post explained Phases 1-3. EMDR is not just and intervention. It is a 8 phase modality of therapy.

Phase 4 - Desensitization

Once the target memory or problem and negative belief about oneself has been identified, this becomes the "target" for processing with bilateral stimulation. Bilateral stimulation (BLS) is the mechanism of engaging the information processing model in the brain. By using eye movements, audio bilateral sounds, self-tapping, or vibrating tappers the target is desensitized. The disturbance is rated through a Subjective Unit of Disturbance Scale (SUDS) which rates the level of emotional and/or somatic disturbance from 0-10. The goal is 0. The cognition is rated through a Validity of Cognition Scale (VOC) using a 1-7 rating as to "how true" the positive belief that is desired really is. 1 is not true and 7 is totally true. These are rated at the beginning of each session and at the closure of a completed target. They are rated to monitor progress. Sometimes this phase moves quickly and sometimes it is like a sticky swamp. Patience and mindfulness is the key to success during this phase.

Phase 5 - Installation

This phase uses BLS to install the positive cognition now attached to the presenting problem or memory. The positive resources become linked to the target.

Phase 6 - Body Scan

The process of scanning the body for somatic discomfort is completed to make sure that there is nothing still "held" in the body from the memory or target. If anything is noted, BLS continues until it is resolved.

Phase 7 - Closure

Ending the session with a skill of containment or calm place to make sure that the client leaves feeling regulated is the focus of this phase during processing. This phase also asks the client to take note of unusual or interesting changes in between sessions.

Phase 8 - Re-Evaluation

A review of what occurred in between sessions is explored quickly. Returning to the incomplete target or completing a Future Template as a tool to ensure that the new belief can move into future situations. A completed target is one that has a SUDS of 0, a VOC of 7, a clear body scan and a future template without disturbance.

EMDR Therapy is difficult to explain quickly and I hope this overview gives you the basic understanding relevant to being a holistic method to treat trauma and negative beliefs about self that are underlying symptoms. In my next blog entry, I plan to address some of the specific situations and presenting issues that EMDR Therapy can be helpful in addressing and changing the lives of those who choose this type of therapy.

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